Fall 2021
“8th Annual Benefit Exhibition: Tools for School and Education Works”, Philadelphia, PA, Curated by Bridgette Mayer
“Keys to Your Soul”, Article in Luxury Splash Magazine, February 2021: https://luxurysplashofart.com/keys-to-your-soul-keys-that-reflects-your-soul/
Interview with American Artist Jamie Kovacs, Chat & Spin Radio, UK, January 2021: www.chatandspinradio.com / Facebook page - www.facebook.com/chatandspin
Aurora Art Show: Featuring artwork by Jamie Kovacs: Aurora Newport Beach, January 2019: https://auroranewportbeach.weebly.com/art-show.html
“Artist Spotlight: Interview with Jamie Kovacs” Article in Dissaray Magazine, December 2010: https://disarray.blog/2010/12/05/artist-spotlight-interview-with-jamie-kovacs/
“Jamie Kovacs”: Raw Art Interview, 2009: https://rawartists.com/jkovacs78