Current Pieces
Balanced Soul
Your soul is now balanced like the rocks with the sound of the calming sea.

Depressed Soul
Your mind says you are fine, people believe you are fine, but inside you are a depressed soul. You may feel lost, hopeless, but can you change your soul and find happiness from within?

Anthony Bourdain
In memory of the greatest food critic. Lost but not forgotten.

Corrupt Soul
The corrupt soul is made up of things that corrupt people in society and power. It's not everyone mind you, but do
you feel you fall into any of these words? Do you know if your soul is corrupt, or becoming corrupt? Have you wanted to get away and be pure? Do you want to change, so that your soul is not corrupt?

Knowledgeable Soul
The knowledgeable soul is depicted by literature written by the artists favorite writers and philosophers. These
books represent knowledge, by having you question life and never truly finding answers. It is about finding euphoria and really finding out. Why am I here? The artist is here to see things on a different plane and by getting the public to answer questions about themselves and possibly creating knowledge for them to choose a different path in life. Does this sound like you? Do these pieces speak to you? Why?
This is the meaning of philosophy. Answering questions with questions and constantly learning and seeing things in different ways. Read and become knowledgeable. We can always be better than we are, right?

Toxic Soul
Is your soul toxic? Does it spew negativity and gaslighting? Are you abusive? Manipulative? Selfish? Obsessive? Negative? Let go of it. Let it all go, seek help if you need it. Toxic Souls create toxic lives. Do you want this for
yourself and or to do this to someone else?

Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez
Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez from TLC. I just really liked this picture of her. Her smile is charismatic and shows what a shining star she was. The background reminds me of the crazy outfits she wore in the 90's and 2000's.
When You're Smiling
Billie Holiday is one of my favorites. You can feel the sweet jazz being carried throughout the room. The 3D mike picking up the sound and putting a sweet smile on your face. All made from individually hand-ripped magazine paper and glue on a panel.

Free Your Mind

Don't Come Around Here no more
Tom Petty. Another amazing musician. This is a very large piece and is 3D. There are little items throughout the piece. This was one of my favorite Tom Petty video's and I'm so glad I did it.

This Mixed media piece of Einstein gives you the feel that he is really here. From every wisp of crazy hair to every wrinkle. You can feel math emanating from his core. The bright blue background make the greys in this piece pop off the page.

Caddy Shack
Little scary as Alice Cooper gets ready to sing Free your mind. I admire Alice for his pop Prescence but also the fact that he is a highly intellectual man as well as talented musician.

Who doesn't love Princess Leia Organa one of the Rebel Alliances greatest leaders. Yes I am a geek. I love what Carrie Fisher brought to this roll. The details in this piece are impeccable and the background colors match that of the Rebel Alliance bringing them together.

Dali Lama
This is one of my favorite pieces I have done. 1 because it is the Dali Lama and 2. You can feel the peace from his smile. You can see this man is at his happiest in life while trying to teach others the powers of enlightenment as well. This piece brings me happiness, calmness, and appreciation for all that I have.

To my generation, we know what a great cast that was put together to make this movie what it was. Pure slapstick comedy bringing some of the worlds greatest comics together to create this dynamic world of golf. This makes me want to go grab a putter and hit the greens.